Foto Flashback Friday

This week we go back to the 80’s in a little mountain town called Big Bear, CA. A vacation spot for many Angelinos because of the scant 2 hours drive to get there.
My father’s company has a huge cabin across the lake in an even smaller town named Fawnskin. In this picture you will find my dog Beau, myself age 7 or 8, my Grandma Edie and my little brother Paul age 5 or 6.
We are standing on the front porch of the cabin in Fawnskin. This place was huge and it sat of an acre of land. The old place was said to be owned originally by Clark Gable and Carol Lombard back in the 1930’s. You could tell this place had a lot of ghosts…and I don’t mean spooks, I mean history. But as a kid, I definatly thought there were spooks in that house.
We went up every summer for my Grandma’s birthday week in August. We were always allowed to invite a friend and we did often. All of us kids slept up in a loft room that was above the kitchen. I didn’t like going up there alone…spooks.
I have a lot of really wonderful memories at this cabin with my Grandmother. My G’ma had a sharp wit and an even sharper tongue. I came away from these cabin visits with comedy routines that I used all throught my childhood and up until she died in 2002. Haven’t done them since…not sure why.
She was a great friend of mine back then and I miss her deeply.
This year, I’ll be taking my son up to that cabin for the first time.
Big Bear circa 1985
Love you Grandma! I miss you!

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